Changes Coming to League’s 2022 Preseason
In 2022, League of Legends will experience new changes, dragons and many more remarkable changes. From November with preseason, Riot will test the features. Instead of the usual edits or adjustments. The preseason is better than a few years ago. The first is a support tank: Perfect for champions who want to be aggressive and run mid-battle.
The goal is to make it easier for players to learn how to play League with these changes. If you want more details on what’s happening this offseason, check out this article.
The League of Legends 2022 offseason has been announced, and it promises to be one of the most important in history. Changes coming to the game include modifications to runes, new items, and a reworked jungle. Some players are excited about this change, while others are worried that these changes will make their favourite champion obsolete.